Carlo Ruzza

School of International Studies

University of Trento, Via Tommaso Gar 14

38122, Trento - Italy

Telephone (0461) 2813140


Dipartimento di Sociologia

Università di Trento, Via Verdi 26

38100, Trento - Italy

September 2021

Professional Experience

· Professor of Political Sociology – University of Trento – (2012 -) (School of International Studies & Sociology Dept.)

· Professor of Political Sociology (Part-Time) – University of Leicester – (2012 - 2014)

· Professor of Political Sociology and Head of Department – University of Leicester – (2009 - 2012)

· Associate Professor of Sociology–Trento University and Fellow in Sociology, Essex University (2002 – 2007)

· Lecturer in Sociology - Essex University (1994 – 2001)

· Lecturer in Sociology - University of Surrey (1992 – 1994)

· Jean Monnet Fellow - European University - Florence, 1991-1992

· MacArthur Fellow in International Security, Harvard University 1987-1989


· 1991 Harvard University – PhD. Sociology

· 1986 Harvard University - MA Sociology

· 1984 SUNY at Buffalo - MA Sociology

· 1979 Trento University (Italy) – B.A. Sociology

Honors, Awards and Visiting Positions

· Visiting Professor (October 2019) University of Lund

· Visiting Professor (October-November 2018) and permanent member of the Research Observatory for Regional Politics, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne

· Visiting Professor, ULB Institute for European Studies, Brussels, March – July 2018

· Visiting Professor, Centre of European Studies and Comparative Politics, SciencesPo Paris, September 2017- February 2018

· Willy Brandt Professor - Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (2008)

· Asem Duo EU-Thailand Fellowship Program – Burapha University, Chonburi – July-August 2007

· McArthur Foundation Grant in Peace and International Security. Center for International Affairs, Harvard University 1989-90

· Fulbright Fellowship, 1981-1984

· Harvard University Graduate Fellowship, 1983/84 & 1984/85

· Fulbright Summer Fellowships 1983/84, 1984/85, 1985/86


· MoSE. Enhancing European Citizenship. Towards a More Social Europe (2020 - 2022), Erasmus+ Programme - Jean Monnet Project, 620430-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPJMO-PROJECT, PI: M. Nicoletti, EU Grant: 60.000 €

· Italian Research Council - Programme PRIN (Project of Relevant National Interest) (2018-2020). The Transformations of Democracy: Actors, Strategies and Outcomes in Opposing Populism in Political, Juridical and Social Arenas (Le Trasformazioni della Democrazia: Attori, Strategie ed Esiti dell'Opposizione al Populismo nelle Arene Politiche, Giuridiche e Sociali). PI Carlo Ruzza

· Italian Research Council - Programme PRIN (Project of Relevant National Interest) (2016-2018). Personalizzazione, istituzionalizzazione e deistituzionalizzazione: le nuove dinamiche del potere nella società post-democratica (Personalisation, Institutionalisation a De-Institutionalisation: the New Dynamics of Power in the Post-Democratic Society - PRIN 2015, -- Trento Unit: Populism and Disintermediation) (€ 86,000).

· European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant No. 754326 – Politico Project - International Expert Adviser at the Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society, and Rule of Law (CISRUL) of the University of Aberdeen for PhD training and conference participation (2018-2021). PI Trevor Stack.

· New Connectivities”: Civil Society, the “Third Sector” and Dilemmas for Socially and Economically Sustainable Healthcare Delivery’ AHRC £41,000 (Project coordinator: Lim Ming), March 2011-October 2011.

· EU Grant: Network of Excellence (2005-2009) “Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe – The Impact of Active Citizenship and Social Capital” (CINEFOGO) (Leading partner: Prof. Hulgård & Prof. Boje –Roskilde University, Denmark). Area Coordinator and European sectoral coordinator for sector ‘Governance’.

Contract # 513350; Total eligible costs €5,447,640; Total EU contribution €3,627,600; Trento total eligible costs €213,120; Trento total EU contribution €134,400

· Volkswagen Stiftung grant: Giving new subjects a ‘voice’ Cultural diversity in the health-care system 2004-2007. Project Coordinator: Prof. Nanz, University of Bremen, Project code 40100899; Total budget €681,653; Total budget Trento €106,570

· EU Grant : “New Modes of Governance” 2004-2005 – Università di Trento; Project # CIT 1-CT-2004-506392; Total EC contribution €3,800,000; Total budget Trento €84,239,26; Total EC contribution Trento €42,347,-

· PRIN 2004 ‘Social Innovation and Strategies for Sustainable Development in Rural Areas’ Project Leader Prof. Ada Cavazzani; Research Focus of the Trento Unit ‘ The Role of Environmental Organizations in European Policies of Local Development’; Protocol 2004141424_003; Total budget €120,000; Total budget Trento €42,600,-

· EU Grant “Organised Civil Society and European Governance” (CIVGOV) 2002-2004, € 160000 – Università di Trento (Leading partner); Contract number HPSE-CT-2002-00114; Total eligible costs €1,143,020; Total EU contribution €1,143,020; Total EU contribution Trento €200,534

· EU Grant “The European Dilemma: Institutional Patterns and Politics of 'Racial' Discrimination”, 2002-2004, Università di Trento - € 140000; Contract number HPSE-CT-2002-00135; Total allowable costs €1,423,527; Total EU contribution €1,289,992; Total EU contribution Trento €139,728

· EU Grant “Study on the State of Young people and Youth Policy in Europe" 2000, £ 19,000 – Essex University; Contract # 1999-1734/001-001

· EU Grant “Dropping Out of Secondary Education” 1997-1998, £22,732 - Essex University

· EU Grant “Cultural and Policy Determinants of Sustainable Tourism Development” 1996-1998, £24,796 - Essex University (Leading partner); Acronym ENV2C;Project reference ENC4960198

· EU Grant “Environmental Sustainability and Institutional Innovation” 1994-1996, £22,732 - Essex University

· Awarded additional £ 25,000 for grant “Environmental Sustainability and Institutional Innovation” 1994-1996 - University of Surrey

· Collaborated with Professor Klaus Eder on EU Grant "Framing Environmental Issues” 1992-1994 £50,000 - European University Institute; Project # PL210493


Single-authored and Joint-authored books

Falge, C., C. Ruzza, O. Schmidtke, Migrants and Health: Political and Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity in Health Systems. London, Ashgate, 2012

Ruzza, C., Fella, S., Re-Inventing the Italian Right: Populism, Post-Fascism and Territorial Identity, Routledge, 2009

Europa e Territorio: Governance Rurale, Partecipazione, Sostenibilità. (With E. Bozzini, P. Crivellari, A. Petrella) Catanzaro, Rubbettino 2009

Ruzza, C., Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Institutions, Manchester University Press 2004. New paperback edition 2007

Beato, F., Nocifora, E., Pieroni, O., Romita, T., Ruzza, C., Savelli, A., (2007) Tracce di turismo sostenibile", Celuc - Università della Calabria, Rende, 2007

Edited collections

Ruzza, C., Berti, C., Cossarini, P., (2021). The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society: Discourses, Practices, and Policies. London, Palgrave Macmillan.

Antoniolli, L., Bonatti, L., Ruzza, C., Eds. (2019). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer

Trenz, H.-J., C. Ruzza, V. Guiraudon, Eds. Europe’s prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union. London, Palgrave, 2015

Giarelli, G, E. Annandale, C. Ruzza Special Issue on The Role of Civil Society in Healthcare Systems Reforms, Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 23, Dec 2014 pp. 1-293

Fella, S., Ruzza, C. (Eds.) Anti-racist movements in the European Union: between national specificity and Europeanisation. London, Palgrave, 2012

Romita, T., A. A. Sousa, Ruzza, C. et al., Eds. (2012). Il turismo sostenibile: esperienze e strumenti, CELUC- Universita' della Calabria.

Baert, P., S. Koniordos, G. Procacci& C. Ruzza, (Eds.) (2009) Conflict Citizenship and Civil Society, London, Rutledge.

Ruzza, C., Della Sala, V., Governance and Civil Society: normative dimensions, Manchester University Press, 2007

Della Sala, V., Ruzza, C., Governance and Civil Society: policy perspectives, Manchester University Press, 2007

Single-authored articles in journals

Ruzza, C. (2021). "The Institutionalisation of Populist Political Discourse and Conservative Uncivil Society in European Union." Nordicom Review 42(1).

Ruzza, C. (2020). Interculturalismo, società civile e la sfida populista all'Unione Europea. pp.31-41. In SOCIOLOGIA - ISSN:0038-0156 vol. 2020 (53.1)

Ruzza, C. (2020). "The populist radical right and its discursive impact on EU-Level civil society." European Politics and Society.

Ruzza, C. (2016) “I Partiti Populisti nell’ Europa del Sud e la Crisi Finanziaria del 2008 e degli anni successivi: successo, insuccesso e innovazione in prospettiva comparata” Sociologia, n.1,

Ruzza, C. (2014). "Il rapporto tra stato e società in Europa e la sua evoluzione negli anni della crisi globale " Sociologia 3, 7-16.

Ruzza, C. (2014) The Ideology of New Public Management, Associational Representation and the Global Financial Crisis, in Partecipazione e Conflitto, v. 2014, n. 7.3 (2014)

Ruzza C (2014) Civil Society Actors and EU Fundamental Rights Policy: Opportunities and Challenges. Human Rights Review 15 (1):65-81

Ruzza, C. (2012) Sociedad civil buena, sociedad civil mala, Puente@Europa, 2 (December)

Ruzza, C. (2011) Social Movements and the European Interest Intermediation of Public Interest Groups, Journal of European Integration, 33 (3).

Ruzza, C. (2011). The international protection regime for minorities, the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and the EU: new challenges for non-state actors. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 18 (2): 219-234.

Ruzza, C. (2010). "Italy: the Political Right and concepts of civil society." Journal of Political Ideologies 15(3): 259–271.

Ruzza, C. (2010). "Commentary: Explaining Policy Outcomes and Third Sector Europeanization." Journal of Civil Society 6(1): 81 - 85.

Ruzza, Carlo (2010). "Populism, anti-politik, gemenskap och modernitet inom den italienska högern", Fronesis no. 34.

Ruzza, C. (2009). "Populism and Euroscepticism: Towards Uncivil Society?" Policy and Society 28(1): 87-98.

Ruzza, C. (2008). "The Italian Antiracist Movement between Advocacy, Service Delivery, and Political Protest." International Journal of Sociology 38(2): 55-64.

Ruzza, C. (2006). "Traiettoria, strutture ed ideologie dei movimenti pacifisti occidentali." Futuribili 1, 2 – Special Issue 'Pace, terrorismo e ruolo dell'Europa nella risoluzione dei conflitti' (Peace, terrorism and the role of Europe in conflict resolution) edited by Giandomenico Picco: 98-122.

Ruzza, C. (2004). "The Northern League: Winning Arguments, Losing Influence." Current Politics and Economics of Europe 13(4): 309-334.

Ruzza, C., “Società Civile Organizzata e Governance Europea” in Sociologia Urbano Rurale, vol. 79. 2006: 147-158

Ruzza, C., “Environmental Sustainability and Policy Networks in Tourist Locations” Foedus, vol. 10, 2004

Ruzza, C., “The Europeanization of Environmental and Tourism Policy and Southern Europe” Innovation, 13, n.3, 2000, 291-310.

Ruzza, C., “Anti-Racism in EU Institutions” Journal of European Integration 22, 2000.

Ruzza, C. "Institutionalization in the Italian Peace Movement” Theory and Society vol. 26, 1997 1-41.

Ruzza, C., "Strategies in the Italian Peace Movement" in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 12, 1990, 111-138.

Joint-authored articles in journals

Ruzza, C., & Sanchez Salgado, R. (2020). The populist turn in EU politics and the intermediary role of civil society organisations. European Politics and Society, pp. 1-15.

Ruzza, C., Pejovic, M., (2019) ‘Populism at Work: the language of the Brexiteers’ Special Issue ‘Brexit’ in Media & Political Discourses: From National Populist Imaginary to Cross-National Social & Political Crisis; Critical Discourse Studies.

Mazzoleni, O., & Ruzza, C. (2018). Combining Regionalism and Nationalism: the Lega in Italy and the Lega dei Ticinesi in Switzerland. Comparative European Politics

Ruzza, C.; Loner, E., (2017) "Aspetti demografici ed ideologici del populismo in Europa" in SocietàMovimentoPolitica, v. 2017, n. 8.15 (2017), p. 305-326

Giarelli, G, E Annandale, C Ruzza, (2014), "Introduction: The role of civil society in healthcare systems reforms" in Social Science & Medicine, v. 2014 , n. 123 p. 160-167

Ruzza, C. & Fella, S. (2013). “Anti-politics, populism and the collapse of the centre-right coalition in Italy” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 21 (1): 38-52

Ruzza, C. & Fella, S. (2011). “Populism and the Italian right”. Acta Politica, 46(2): 158-179

Ruzza, C. and E. Bozzini (2008). "Organised civil society and European governance: routes of contestation." European Political Science 157.

Ruzza, C. and S. Fella (2006). "Breaking Old Taboos - the new Italian party system and the re-invention of the right." Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (Special issue 'Italy: the continuing transition' edited by Stefano Fella and Bruno Mascitelli). Volume 8, Number 2, August 2006 p. 179-200

Pileri, S., Schmidtke, O., Ruzza, C. "From System Opposition to a State Party: the Leagues and the Crisis of Italian Politics" Telos Spring 1994, 86-100.

Ruzza C., Schmidtke, O. "Roots of Success in the Lega Lombarda: Mobilization Dynamics and the Media", West European Politics. 12. April 1993, 1-23.

Schmidtke, O. Ruzza, C. "Regionalistischer Protest als 'Life Politics': Eine Studie über die Formierung einer sozialen Bevegung: die Lega Lombarda" Soziale Welt, 1993, 5-29.

Ruzza, C., Schmidtke, O. "La Formacion de la Liga Lombarda" Debats, December 1992,4-11.

Ruzza, C., Schmidtke, O. "The Making of the Leagues" Telos. Winter 1992, 57-70.

Single-authored book chapters

Ruzza, C. (2020) ‘Civil Society between Populism and Anti-Populism’ in Ov Cristian Norocel, Anders Hellstrom, Martin Jorgensen (Eds.). Nostalgia and Hope: Intersections between Politics of Culture, Welfare, and Migration. New York. Springer, Imiscoe.

Ruzza (2019) Populism, EU institutions and Civil Society. in: Antoniolli, L., et al., Eds. (2019). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome. New York, Springer.

Ruzza, C. (2018). Preface. In: MEEUWISSE, A. & SCARAMUZZINO, R. (eds.) Europeanization in Sweden: Opportunities and Challenges for Civil Society Organizations. Berghahn Books.

Ruzza, C., (2018) The Radical Right in Southern Europe, in J. Rydgren (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Ruzza C (2017) Populism, Migration and Xenophobia in Europe. In: de la Torre C (ed) Handbook on Global Populism. Routledge, London

Ruzza, C. (2017) Social Movements and Italian Civil Society in Times of Crisis, in Alexander Grasse, Markus Grimm and Jan Labitzke (eds.), Italien zwischen Krise und Aufbruch, Springer

Ruzza C (2017) Populism and Political Movements. In: Holtz-Bacha C, Mazzoleni O, Heinisch R (eds) Handbook on Political Populism. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden.

Ruzza, C. (2017) Prefazione ‘Populismo’ Manuel Anselmi, Milano, Mondadori.

Ruzza, C. (2015) Changes in the Field of EU Civil Society Organisations: Institutionalisation, Differentiation and Challengers. EU Civil Society. Kalm, S. (Ed), Johansson, H. (Ed) (2015) pp. 23-43.

Ruzza, C. (2015). The impact of the global crisis on organized civil society at EU level and in Member States. Europe’s prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union. H.-J. Trenz, C. Ruzza and V. Guiraudon. London, Palgrave: 169-188.

Ruzza, C. (2011). Civil Society and New Forms of Political Participation in Europe. Social Rights, Active Citizenship, and Governance in the European Union. T. P. Boje and M. Potucek. Baden, Nomos: 175-194.

Ruzza, C. (2010). Trajectories of Civil Society: new political spaces, institutionalisation and conflict. Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society. P. Baert, S. Koniordos, G. Procacci and C. Ruzza. London, Routledge: 243-253.

Ruzza, C. (2010). Identifying uncivil society in Europe. Towards a ‘new politics of the enemy’? The New Politics of European Civil Society. U. Liebert and H.-J. Trenz. London, Routledge: 143-162

Ruzza, C. (2010). Organized civil society and its activities of political representation in the EU arena. The Role of Non-State Actors and Civil Society in the Global Regulatory Framework. J. D. Armstrong, V. Bello, J. Gilson. London, p. 70-98.

Ruzza C., (2008). "EU-Society Relations and Interests Intermediation: a contribution to the debate". In: Efficient and Democratic Governance in the European Union. Kohler-Kock B., Lrat F., (Eds.) Mannheim: University of Mannheim, Connex Series, Vol. 9, p. 303-324.

Ruzza, C., "Language and Territorial Identity in Minority Nationalism: the case of the Northern League". Cap. 7: Baccolini R., Leech P. (a cura di), Constructing Identites. Translations, Cultures, Nations, Bologna: Bononia university press, 2008. p. 101-121

Ruzza, C. & Della Sala, V. 2007. Conclusion: Deliberative Democracy, Input-Output Legitimacy and the Meaning of Civil Society. In: Ruzza, C. & Della Sala, V. (eds.) Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Normative Perspectives. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Della Sala, V. & Ruzza, C. 2007. Conclusion: Linking Governance and Civil Society. Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Exploring Policy Issues. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Ruzza, C. 2007. Advocacy coalitions and the participation of organised civil society in the European Union. In: Della Sala, V. & Ruzza, C. (eds.) Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Exploring Policy Issues. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Della Sala, V. & Ruzza, C. 2007. Introduction: Governance, Public Policy and the Europeanization of Civil Society. Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Exploring Policy Issues. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Ruzza, C. (2006). Governance multilivello e sviluppo sostenibile nelle politiche turistiche del mediterraneo. Mediterraneo: Città, Culture, Ambiente, Governance, Migranti e lo Stretto di Messina. A. Angelini. Milano, Franco Angeli: 120-144.

Ruzza, C. (2006). Key Concepts. “Frame Analysis. J. Scott. London, Routledge.

Ruzza, C. (2006). Social Movements. Key Authors: C. Tilly. J. Scott. London, Routledge.(forthcoming 2007)

Ruzza, C., (2006) ‘The Northern League’ in M., De Winter., Gomez-Reino, , L , Lynch, P (ed) in Autonomist Parties in Europe: Identity Politics and the Revival of the Territorial Cleavage ICPS Publications, (21) Barcelona, p. 219-246

Ruzza, C., (2006) ‘Human Rights, Anti-racism and EU Advocacy Coalitions’ in L. Morris (ed.). Sociology and Rights, Routledge,

Ruzza, C. (2006). European Institutions and the Policy Discourse of Organised Civil Society in ‘Civil Society and Legitimate European Governance’. S. Smismans (ed). London, Elgar.

Ruzza, C., (2005) “Partecipazione e Politiche Ambientali nella UE” in Gelli, F., (ed.) La Democrazia Locale tra Rappresentanza e Partecipazione, F. Angeli, Milano p. 51-75

Ruzza, C. (2004). Lega Nord i italiensk politik: Vunna argument men forlorat inflytande in Från Le Pen till Pim Fortuyn. J. Rydgren and A. Widfeldt. Malmö, Liber: 96-124.

Ruzza, C. (2004). Peace Movements. Democracy and Protest. G. Taylor and M. Todd. Sheffield, Merlin Press.

Ruzza C. “Il lobbying europeo e le istituzioni comunitarie” in Fabbrini S., (ed.) Le istituzioni e gli attori della UE, Bari, Laterza 2003

Ruzza, C (2002):'"Frame Bridging", and the New Politics of Persuasion, Advocacy and Influence', in. A Warleigh and J Fairbrass Influence and Interests in the European Union: the New Politics of Persuasion and Advocacy. (London: Europa Publications)

Ruzza, C. “Tourism, Environment and EU Institutions” in Eder, K. and M. Kousis (eds.), Environmental Politics in Southern Europe, Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000).

Ruzza, C. “Language and Nationalism in Italy” in S. Barbour (ed.) Language and Nationalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2000)

Ruzza, C. "Inter-Organizational Negotiation in Political Decision-Making: Brussels’ EC Bureaucrats and the Environment." in Nigel South and Colin Samson (eds.) The Social Construction of Social Policy Macmillan 1996

Ruzza C. "Collective Identity Formation and Community Integration in the Lega Lombarda" in G. M. Breakwell and E. Lyons (eds.) Changing European Identities: Social Psychological Analyses of Social Change International Series in Social Psychology, Butterworth Heinmann 1996

Ruzza, C., (1989) "Organizational and Social Implications of Office Automation" in The Worker in Transition: Technological Change, Consortium of Social Science Associations, Texas A&M University, ASME, Technology and Society Division, TS 2, pp. 149-155

Joint-authored book chapters

Mazzoleni, O. and Carlo Ruzza (2019) ‘Claiming regionalism and nationalism at the same time: How the Italian and Swiss Leagues can engage in contradictory claims and get away with it’. In: Reinhard Heinisch, Emanuele Massetti, Oscar Mazzoleni (Eds). The People and the Nation: Populism and Ethno-Territorial Politics in Europe. London, Routledge pp. 64-87.

Antoniolli, L., L. Bonatti, C. Ruzza (2019) Introduction. in: Antoniolli, L., et al., Eds. (2018). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer.

Antoniolli, L., L. Bonatti, C. Ruzza (2019) Conclusions. in: Antoniolli, L., et al., Eds. (2018). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer.

Guiraudon, V., H-J Trenz, C. Ruzza. (2015). Introduction: The European crisis: Contributions from political sociology Europe’s prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union. H.-J. Trenz, C. Ruzza and V. Guiraudon. London, Palgrave.

Ruzza, C., Balbo, L. (2013). Italian Populism and the trajectory of two leaders: Silvio Berlusconi and Umberto Bossi. Right Wing Populism in Europe: Politics and Discourse. R. Wodak and M. Khosravinik. London, Bloomsbury Publishers, pp. 163-175.

Fella, S. and C. Ruzza (2007). The National Alliance and Northern League in Italy: Rivals in power, enemies in defeat. Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces: Extrême droite et pouvoir en Europe/ The extreme right parties and power in Europe. P. Poirier and P. Delwit. Bruxelles, Université de Bruxelles: 203-225.

Ruzza, C. and E. Bozzini (2006). La società civile e il suo ruolo nei processi decisionali in Europa. R. Scartezzini and P. Foradori. Globalizzazione e Processi di Integrazione Sovranazionale: l’Europa, il Mondo, Rubbettino.

Ruzza, C. and E. Bozzini (2006). Anti-Americanism and the European Peace Movement: the Iraq war. The United States Contested: American Unilateralism and European Discontent. S. Fabbrini. London, Routledge. p. 112-129

Ruzza, C., Schmidtke, O., "Changing Conceptions of the Enemy in the Lega Lombarda" in M. Foolbrok and D. Cesarani (eds) Citizenship, Nationality and Migration Routledge 1996

Ruzza, C., Schmidtke, O., “Towards a Modern Right” in Gundle, S., Parker S. (eds)The New Italian Republic, Routledge 1996

Conference Proceedings and Papers in Working Paper Series

Ruzza, C. (2006). Sostenibilità ambientale e reti decisionali nelle località turistiche mediterranee. Politiche, Governance e Innovazione per le Aree Rurali. A. Cavazzani, G. Gaudio and S. Sivini. Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane: 299-318.

Ruzza, C. (2005). EU Public Policies and the Participation of Organized Civil Society., Working Papers del Dipartimento di studi sociali e politici, 2005. Università degli studi di Milano –

Ruzza, C, “La governance orizzontale ed il libro bianco” in Il libro bianco sulla governance europea: nuove prospettive comunitarie dell’autonomia trentina, Provincia autonoma di Trento, 2003

Ruzza, C. “Discussione: Sezione “Tendenze Federaliste in Italia” in Fabbrini, S. (ed.), Nation, Federalism and Democracy: The EU and the American Experience, Editrice Compositori, University of Trento, 2001, p. 145-148

Ruzza, C. "Roots of the Idea of Environmental Sustainability: its Instrumental, Principled and Taken-for Granted Dimension among Environmental Regulators" Academy of Finland and European Commission (DGXII) Pub., December 1999, p. 24-33

Ruzza, C. “Popular Xenophobic Anti-CEE Sentiments in Western Europe” in Kirchner E. (ed.) Conference Proceedings: The Integration of Central and Western Europe - Legal, Economic and Security Dimensions. Centre for European Studies, University of Essex 1996.

Book reviews, review essays and contributions to encyclopedias

Ruzza, C. (2013, revised and updated 2020). Anti-Racist Movements in Europe. The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Social and Political Movements. D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans and D. McAdam. Malden, MA and Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishing.

Ruzza, C., Book Review, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica (Winter 2008)

Ruzza, C. (2006). Review Essay: Charles Tilly. Sociology: The Key Thinkers. J. Scott. London, Routledge.

Ruzza, C. (2006). Social Movements. Sociology: The Key Concepts. J. Scott. London, Routledge.

Ruzza, C. (2005) “Frame Analysis” in Brown, K. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Oxford, Elsevier.

Ruzza, C. Book Note ECPR-SG on Extremism & Democracy Volume 5, No. 2, Summer 2004

Ruzza, C. (2002). Review Essay, Politiche migratorie e razzismo nell’Unione Europea. L'Indice. Milano. N. 9, p.35

Ruzza, C., Book Review ECPR-SG on Extremism & Democracy Volume 3, No. 2, Summer 2002

Ruzza, C., Book Review European Societies, December 1999, 1, 117-119

Ruzza, C., Review Essay on Italian Terrorism in Italian Politics and Society, December 1991, 30-34.

Ruzza, C., Book Review Italian Politics and Society, December 1994, 15-16

Ruzza, C. (1994-1996) a series of short reports for the Wiener library of London on the right and the Italian political situation.

EU Edited Research Reports (selected) (Reports integrating materials from more than one study group)

Ruzza, C., (with Dr. Ming Lim and Prof. Ellen Annandale) Connected Communities: New Connectivities: Civil Society, the ‘Third Sector’ and Dilemmas for Socially and Economically Sustainable Healthcare Delivery. (May 2012) (University of Leicester School of Management and Dept. of Sociology).

Ruzza, C., Fella, S. Rapporto alla Commissione Europea per conto dell’Università di Trento per il programma di ricerca ‘Xenophob’ del 5 programma quadro “Institutional Discrimination in the sectors of Education and the Labour Market in Italy” – Naples and Milan as case studies (December 2004)

Ruzza, C., Fella, S. Rapporto alla Commissione Europea per conto dell’Università di Trento per il programma di ricerca ‘Civgov’ del 5 programma quadro “Movement Advocacy Coalitions and National Agenda Setting – a ten country comparison” (June 2004).

“Organized Civil Society and European Governance – National Landscapes” (with Stefano Fella) Report for the European Commission (DGXII) July 2003 - Summary report for EU-commissioned project Organized Civil Society and European Governance, 750 pp.

“Cultural and Policy Determinants of Sustainable Tourist Development” (with Anastasios Fotiou) Report for the European Commission (DGXII)August 1998 - Summary report for EU-commissioned project Environmental Sustainability and Institutional Innovation, 300 pp.

“Dropping out of Secondary Education” (with Hreinn Hfrankelsson) Report for the European Commission (Socrates Section), July 1998 - Summary report for EU project, Dropping out of Secondary Education 210 pp.

“Environmental Sustainability and EU policy-making” August 1996 - Report for the European Commission (DGXII)” Summary report for EU-commissioned project Environmental Sustainability and Institutional Innovation

“Framing the Environment in EU Institutions” Report for the European Commission (DG XII) June 1995 - Summary report for EU-commissioned project Framing Environmental Action, 188pp.

Dissemination Activities (Selected)

· Contributed to sensitising and training events ranging from the role of civil society, anti-discrimination policy and human rights, and environmental policy. Examples:


· Member of the European Civic Forum – an organization launched in 2016 “to provide a space for civil society actors to collaborate with academics in enhancing civic and democratic spaces in Europe”. This initiative is supported by the European Social and Economic Committee (2018- ).

· Consultant to the EU Commission in 2019 (contributed to a report on Italian civil society in the context of a report (coordinated by Prof H. Anheier) on the role of civil society in policymaking at Member State level which provides information and intelligence on a wide range of issues linked to priorities set in EU policy and by the European Semester).

· Training seminar organised by the European Commission: ‘The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union’ – 17-18 December 2014, Conference Centre Borschette, Brussels;

· Invited presenter at the Forum for the Future of Democracy in Cyprus – organized by the Council of Europe, Oct. 2011 – Theme 2 Rapporteur (‘The Interdependence of Democracy and Social Cohesion: strengthening representation and democratic participation through public dialogue and civic engagement’).

· Paper presented "Case Study: civil society and human rights protection in relation to global issues" Workshop ‘Civil society’s roles in global governance - A joint seminar of the EUISS, the European Commission / DG Research and UNU-CRIS’. Brussels 1 October 2010

· Invited participant “EU-China Seminar” Organized by the EU Commission and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 18-19 Settembre 2006. Discussant section ‘Social Cohesion and Governance’

· Invited participant, workshop “The contribution of the social sciences and the humanities to the European Research Area”, section “Governance and Civil Society”, organised by the European Commission, Bruges 29-30 October 2001.

· Invited participant to the "Second European Symposium: Regions - Cornerstones for Sustainable Development " Organised by the Academy of Finland and the EU Commission – DG XVI and DG XII. Paper presented: "Roots of the Idea of Environmental Sustainability: its Instrumental, Principled and Taken-for Granted Dimension among Environmental Regulators". University of Joensuu, Finland. 13-14 September 1999.

· Invited participant to workshop ”Environmental Policy in Europe” Presented “Environmental Sustainability and Tourism in European Policy Making” Event co-organized by the EU Commission DG XII-D and University of Crete. Rethimno, Greece 19 May 1998



The following is a selection of recent conferences at which papers were presented or discussed

· Paper presented (with Carlo Berti) ‘Populist Framings of the COVID-2019 Pandemic and their Opponents in the EU Parliament. European Sociological Association – 1 September 2021

· Paper presented ‘Institutionalizing Populism’ (with Oscar Mazzoleni) at the interim conference of ESA network on Political Sociology 2-3 November 2018

· Paper presented ‘EU Institutions and Populism’ ECPR Standing Group on the European Union. Paris 15.6.2018

· Paper presented ‘The populist radical right, exclusionary political frames and their impact on EU-level civil society’. Chaired and discussed 3 panels on populism. Athens 29.8-1.9 2017

· Paper presented (with Oscar Mazzoleni) “How do parties combine regionalist and nationalist Euroscepticism? The cases of the Italian Lega Nord and the Swiss Lega dei Ticinesi” EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Miami Florida, 4-6 May 2017

· Paper presented ‘European Populism: moving beyond the radical right?’ section ‘Comparative populism: Europe and the Americas’ at the Council for European Studies Conference, Glasgow 12-14 July, 2017

· Paper presented ‘Workshop Conclusion and Discussion’ at workshop ‘European Civil Society beyond Brussels.’ Conveners: Andrey Demidov & Rosa Sanchez, 7 & 8 April 2016

Selected Seminars and Invited Workshop Presentations / Keynote Speeches/ Public lectures

· Invited Speaker at the Department of Politics, University of Lund, 24 October 2019 ‘The Populist Turn and its impact on the European Parliament and the EU Commission’

· Invited Roundtable Participant at the Civil Society Elites Workshop, University of Lund 11-12th April, 2019

· Invited Speaker at the Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam ‘The Impact of Populist Parties on EU Institutions and Civil Society Organizations’ 7 February 2019

· Invited Keynote Speaker at Workshop ‘Global populism and the post-representative politics. Is democracy unsustainable?’ Presentation ‘Populism, migration and xenophobia in Europe’ LUISS University 21 January 2019

· Invited Keynote Speaker to the International Symposium ‘Un-Civility, Racism and Populism: Interactive Practices and Discourses in Europe, USA & Beyond’ taking place at the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism, Uppsala University, Sweden, on 06 & 07 December 2018.

· Invited Speaker to the workshop "Domestic Politics and Global Economics: From Policy Convergence to the Rise of Populism". Paper ‘Populism and the European Parliament’ University of Florence, 8-9 November 2018

· Invited speaker - workshop ‘El populismo. Teoría y experiencias contemporáneas’ University of Guadalajara, 26-28 Sept. 2018

· Invited Keynote Speaker at the Italian Political Sociology Standing Group of the Italian Sociological Associations. ‘Political Reactions to European Populisms’ Rome, 20-21 September 2018

· Paper presented - European populisms: Demand-side, supply-side and contextual explanations, Wentworth College, University of York, 8 March 2017

· Paper Presented (with Oscar Mazzoleni) ‘Regionalist Parties and the National Interest’ at the International Workshop, , Populism, Regionalism and Nationalism; in Western European Party Mobilisation -- The territorial Dimension, University of Lausanne 30 September-1 October.2016

· Invited Session Discussant, European Civil Society beyond Brussels (Access Europe Programme) Convenors: Andrey Demidov, Amsterdam, & Rosa Sanchez, 7th April 2016

· Invited discussant, roundtable discussion ‘Migration as a European Challenge’ (with Ireneusz Karolewski (Wroclaw), Lars Koch (Dresda) e Mark Arenhövel (Dresda), University of Dresden 12 January 2016

Organization of Workshops and Conference Sections (selected)

· Organizer (with Luisa Antoniolli and Luigi Bonatti) of international workshop for the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaty (five panels) to be held at the University of Trento in November 2017.

· Organizer (with Paul Blokker and Manuel Anselmi) of international workshop "Political, Legal and Economic Dimensions of Populism" (5 panels) School of International Studies, University of Trento, 19-20 October, 2016

· Organized (with Luis Buza) five panels at ECPR Prague – ‘Civil Society and Narratives of Contestation of EU Legitimacy’ Paper presented ‘Associational Representation at EU Level and the Legitimacy Deficit in the Left-Liberal Social Movement Sector; Discussant of panel ‘The NGOisation of Social Movements‘; Discussant of panel: Transnational Solidarity and Alternative Action Organizations in European Countries at Times of Crisis. Prague, 7-10 September 2016

· Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Workshops on EU Integration, Innsbruck (Joint initiative of the University of Trento, University of Bozen, University of Innsbruck and Euregio Tirol-Sud Tirol1) 19-20 May 2016

· Organized workshop ‘Populism and Democracy in Europe’ University of Trento, 12 December 2014

· Organized four Political Sociology sections as member of the board of the Political Sociology network of the European Sociological Associations - European Sociological Association Congress, Turin, August 2013. Also chaired two political sociology sections on EU-level anti-discrimination associations and on urban governance.

· Organized eight Political Sociology sections as Chair of the Political Sociology network of the European Sociological Associations - European Sociological Association Congress, Geneva, September 2011. Also chaired three political sociology sections on Active Citizenship, EU-Level and International Civil Society (see ).

· Organized series of four international workshops at the University of Leicester supported by the EU network of excellence Cinefogo in October, November and June 2009. Workshop topics: civil society and governance, the public sector, populism, health and migration.

· Organized eight Political Sociology sections as Chair of the Political Sociology network of the European Sociological Associations - European Sociological Association Congress, Lisbon August 2009. Also chaired political sociology sections on new modes of governance in Europe, on civil society, co-chaired section on the extreme right, organized round table on current trends in political sociology.

· Conference ‘Sustainable Tourism’ co-organized with the Italian Sociological Association – Section on territorial studies and the University of Calabria – 90 papers selected for presentation, 13 -14 settembre 2008 – Amantea (CS). Contributed to the organization of similar event in 2007 and 2006

· Conference organized (with Jens Rydgren) ‘Populism and Civil Society’ European University Institute, Florence, 21-22 March 2008. Paper presented ‘Populism and Civil Society in Italy’

· Conference organized (with Vincent Della Sala and Simona Piattoni and support from the European Commission and the network of excellence Cinefogo) “The Governance of the European Union: theories, practices and myths” - 25-26 January 2008. Papers to be presented: “Legitimacy and the European Union: an Introduction” (with Vincent Della Sala); and “The Role of Institutionalised Social Movements at EU level.” Brussels, 25-26 January 2008

· Conference organized (with Giovanna Procacci) Immigrants and the Health Care System 17th and 18th December 2007 - University of Milan (four sessions and round table with civil society volunteers).

· Conference organized (with network of excellence CINEFOGO coordination team) ‘The Normative Implications of New Forms of Participation for Democratic Policy Processes’ Paper presented ‘Civil Society and European Legitimacy” - Rome - October 4th and 5th 2007

· Session Organizer ‘Beyond Populism: varieties of populist ideologies and the new centrality of civil society and the media ‘Beyond The Nation Conference 2007’ School of Politics, International Studies & Philosophy

Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland - 12th-14th September 2007

· Co-ordinated (with Thomas Olesen) eight sessions for the social movement network at the European Sociological Associations, Glasgow, 3-6 September 2007. Organizer and discussant of sessions: ‘Social Movements and Civil Society’ and (with Mario Diani) ‘Social Movements and Policy-Making’

· Coordination or co-coordination of several workshops for the European Network of Excellence CINEFOGO. Recent events on civil society and the media and local civil society (2006). Two-day events at the University of Trento on ‘populism and civil society’; ‘civil society and EU public policies’; ‘migrants’ associations and migrants’ health’ (2007).

· Organized Workshop: ‘Social Innovation And Governance: Strategies For Sustainable Development Of Rural Areas’ presented paper ‘Political Participation of Civil Society and the Leader Initiative in Three Countries’, University of Trento – 16-18 June 2007 (4 sessions)

· Co-organized Workshop: ‘Social Movements and Civil Society’ University of Trento – 21-22 May 2007 (with Mario Diani and the support of the Cinefogo network of excellence) (4 panels)

· Co-Coordinator with Lieven De Winter - section ‘Governance and Civil Society’ - European Consortium for Political Research, Budapest, September 2005 (9 panels)

· Organized workshop ‘Governance and Civil Society’ 11-12 December 2003 (with Vincent Della Sala and the support of the Department of Sociology, the Jean Monnet Centre and the Department of Law (6 panels)

· Organized workshop (with the Jean Monnet Centre) ‘Citizenship, Civil Society and Advocacy Coalitions in the EU’ December 2001 – (8 panels)

Current Editorial Activities


· Language and Politics (2017- )

· Partecipazione e Conflitto/ Participation & Conflict (Scientific Committee 2007- )

· Foedus (Editorial board 2003- )

Book Series

· Series Editor (with Hans-Joerg Trenz) Book Series ‘Palgrave Political Sociology Series’ (2012- )

· Editorial Board member. Book Series ‘Partecipazione e Conflitto’. Franco Angeli, Milan (2011-)

· Scientific advisory board of book series on Political Sociology, Meltemi (2016- )

· Scientific advisory board of book series on Democracy: Theories and Problems, Mondadori (2017)

Previous Editorial Activities

· Sociology – Journal of the British Sociological Association (2010 - 2013)

· Sociology Compass (Editorial Board – Social Movements Section - 2008- 2013)

· European Societies (Chair of the Editorial Board 2003- 2009). ‘European Societies’ Editorial board member for the UK (1999-2002), Book Reviews Editor (1999-2002) [Being Chair of the board involves liaising with the president of the association, the press and the editor of the journal, and calling and coordinating meetings]

· Journal of European Integration (Editorial Board 2005- 2008)

· Sociological Research Online (Editorial board 1999-2005)

· Critical Discourse Studies (International Advisory Board 2003- 2011)

· European Sociological Association book series – ESA Committee member and Rutledge referee (2003-2009)

Refereeing activities: Journals (Selection): Acta Sociologica, American Journal of Media Psychology, British Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Sociology, Critical Discourse Studies, Economy and Society, Environmental Politics, Ethnicities, European Societies, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Ethics and International Affairs, Global Governance, International Political Sociology, International Migration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Civil Society, Mobilization, Modern Italy, Political Studies, Politics, Politics and Governance, Self and Society, Sociology, Sociology Compass, South European Society & Politics, The International Journal of Public Sector Management, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, The International Spectator, The Journal of Civil Society, The Journal of European Integration, The Journal of European Public Policy, The Journal of Language and Politics,

Referee reports for funding organisations: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Science Foundation; ESRC; European Commission; Academy of Social Science – Finland; Italian Funding Academy

Referee reports for scholarly associations include the Council for European Studies, Referee reports for Italian journals include the Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica and Partecipazione e Conflitto.

· Publishers for which I have refereed books and proposals for new journals are Manchester University Press, Sage and Rutledge.

· Evaluation of Social Science proposals for the EU, ESF and the Academy of Finland (2006, 2008, 2009, 2013), Swedish Research Council 2009. Evaluation of applications for professorships in Sociology for the University of Helsinki and Tampere (2011; 2012). Evaluation of applications for postdoctoral studies, University of Milan (2013);

Professional Associations (Selected):

· European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Board Member and Secretary of the Standing Groups on Political Sociology (2014- ); Standing Group on Interest Groups (2012-2014); Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy; (2004- 2006)

· Political Sociology Research Network of ESA (2013-2015); Elected coordinator of ESA Political Sociology Research Network (2009-2015) (

o Elected Executive Committee Member of the European Sociological Association (ESA) (2005-2007) (2nd term 2007-2009); Member Committee for Publications ESA (2005-2007) (2nd term 2008-2009); Chair Committee for External Relations ESA (2005-2007) (2nd term 2008-2009); Elected coordinator Social Movements’ Research Network ESA (2005-2007) (Associate coordinator 1998-2005)

· Member Associazione Italiana di Sociologia 2002 (AIS); 2003; Associazione Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) 2003

· Member Political Studies Association (PSA); 1998 -2002

· Member International Sociological Association (ISA) 1994-1996

· Member University Association for Contemporary European Studies UACES; 1994-2000

· Member American Sociological Association – Social Movements Section 1986-1992


Designed and taught the following courses:

· ‘International Cooperation, Development and Security’

(MA programme in ‘International Security Studies’) Autumn 2017, 2019, 2020

· European and International Politics (with P. Foradori) Autumn 2016

(Master’s programme in European and International Studies)

· Political Sociology (BA in International Studies) Spring 2021, 2017, 2016,


· Political Participation and Ethnicity Spring 2014

· Advanced European Studies (Trento -- )

(Master’s programme in European and International Studies) Spring 2021, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

· Doctoral module ‘Political Sociology’

(PhD programme in International Studies -- Trento) Spring 2014, Spring 2015

· Sociology of International Relations (Trento) Spring 2013

· Issues in Contemporary Society (MA Contemporary Sociology, Leicester) Autumn 2010, Autumn 2011, Autumn 2012, Autumn 2013

· Sociology of Ethnic Relations (Leicester) Spring 2010

· Social Movements and Civil Society (Leicester) Autumn 2009, 2010

· Knowledge and Methods - MSc Social Research (Leicester) Spring 2009, 2010, 2012

· Microsociology (Leicester) Autumn 2009

· Sociology of Migration (Trento) Autumn and Spring 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

· Sociology of Ethnic Relations (Trento) Autumn and Spring 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008; 2013

· MA-Level Multi-Level Governance in Europe (Trento): Actors and Dynamics 2008

· MA-Level course on the institutional structure and policies of the EU (Trento) 2007

· Graduate seminar (with Dr V d’Andrea) Spring 2008 (Sociology postgraduate students present their work)

· Social Movements and Environmental Issues (Essex) Autumn 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000,

· MA Cultural Studies: Theories and History (Essex) Autumn 1995, 1998

· Media, Culture and Society (Essex) Autumn 1994

· Core Course in European Integration - MA European Studies - (Essex) Autumn 1996, 1998, 2000

· Core course in Environmental Policy - MA Environmental Studies (Essex) Autumn 1996, 1998, 2000

· Introduction to Europe - (Essex) Spring 1994, 1996

· Integration and Co-operation in Europe- (Essex) Autumn 1994, 1996

· MA Cultural Studies: Theories and History - (Essex) Autumn 1994

· Sociological Analysis II – (Surrey) Spring 1994

· Refugees and Migrants in Europe - (Surrey) Spring 1994

· MA Sociological Theory and Methods - (Surrey) Spring 1993

· MA Sociological Concepts and Theories - (Surrey) Autumn 1993

· Sociology and History of the Self - (Harvard) Spring 1986

· Occasional Lectures on MA Balkans (Trento 2008), MA Local Development (Trento 2009, 2010)

Doctoral Supervision and Committees’ Membership (selected)

· Recent supervision: EU Anti-discrimination Policy (Student Amandine Le Bellec) (2018-); EU Communication Policy (Student: Milica Pejovic);: (2014-2018) Advisor of dissertation on international civil society groups at EU level (Student: Leila Giannetto); (2011-2012). At the University of Leicester supervision of a PhD dissertation on the role of organised civil society in Nigeria (Chioma Okoro). Supervision of completed PhD dissertations by: Giulia Bigot, Kimberly Fisher, Nicole Power, Kim Park, Flavio Scantimburgo, Chissa Zachau, Mark Ma (with Professor John Scott).

· Committee Chair and external member of PhD examination committee in Politics, Schrama Reini, July 2017

· Committee Chair and internal member of doctorate in Local Development, University of Trento (Chair of Doctoral Examination Committee of Gayane Sargsyan for dissertation on Civic Participation in Armenia in January 2016; Chair of Dissertation Committee of Turgut Tuncel on the Armenian Diaspora in January 2014)

· Member of doctoral committee in International Studies – University of Trento (2013 – ) (includes selection committee, examining committee and periodic review of program)

· Committee Member of 2015 external examining committee of eight doctoral dissertations -- doctorate on Public and Territorial Policy and Planning, IUAV, University of Venice

· Chair of 2013 external examining committee of six doctoral dissertations -- doctorate on Public and Territorial Policy and Planning, IUAV, University of Venice

· Performed external examiner’s duties for PhD dissertations on: social movements and European studies 2010 (EUI); anti-austerity social movements in 2011 (Essex University), European Studies 2012 (Robert Gordon University).

· Member of doctoral committee in Sociology and Social Research – University of Trento 2002-2006 (supervised PhD students).

· Supervision of MA and research students at the Universities of Surrey and Essex 1996-2001: topics included environmental issues, civil society and the state, European studies, education policy, labour markets studies, political sociology and social movements, tourism policy and local development, the sociological determinants of conspicuous consumption, minors and the asylum-seeking process in the UK.

Organization of Teaching Conferences, Summer Schools and Seminar Series; Occasional Teaching (selected)

· Contributing to Jean Monnet Module ‘Social Analysis of Migration Processes’ (Catholic University of Milan) Spring 2017

· University of Trento, Discussant of Seminar at the Seminar Series of the School of International Studies ‘Boundary Development in the Field of International Nutrition Science’ Presenter: Monique Centrone Stefani, 23 March 2015

· University of Trento, PhD Programme in International Studies, School of International Studies. Faculty-PhD Joined Event: Generation Europe: Discussing Ways of How to Re-Launch European Integration. Discussant in panel: an Assessment by Previous Generations. 16 December 2013

· Lectures on theories of civil society, EU-level civil society, international civil society. Viterbo summer school in political sociology, University of Viterbo, 13-17 May 2013

· Organized graduate seminars and public lectures with national and international speakers 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006 – University of Trento

· Organized A-Level Conference – Essex 1994; Session presenter A-Level Conference – Essex 2000

· Member of ISA Conference Organising Committee at Essex University (Social Science Methodology, July 1996) and section co-organiser.

· Member of ESA Conference Organising Committee at Essex University 1997

· Admissions Tutor for full-time and part-time Master Scheme in Social Research Methods - University of Surrey: 1992-1993


University of Trento:

· Member of the School of International Studies consultative committee – Trento 2020-; Erasmus coordinator for UK, Belgium and Luxemburg – Trento 2014 - ; Committee for bilateral students exchange agreements 2013; Teaching committee and committee for ‘review of students’ careers’ 2003-2004; Elected member of Department consultative committee – Trento 2005-2008

· Research activities coordinator – School of International Studies, Trento 2019-

University of Leicester:

· Acting Head of Department ( Winter 2009) and Head of Department 2010 – 2012; MA director (Master in Civil Society) 2010 – 2012; Director of postgraduate studies 2009

University of Essex:

  • Director of MA in European Integration – Essex 2000; Socrates Representative – Essex 1996, 2000; European Studies Social Sciences Scheme Director – Essex 1995, 1996; Integration and Co-operation in Europe Course Director – Essex 1994 to 1996; Introduction to Europe Course Director – Essex 1994; European Studies Undergraduates-Staff Liaison Committee – Essex 1994; Chair, Board of Examiners, Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis 1998, 1999; Promotion of new degree schemes: (MA European Integration) and Environmental Studies (MEnv) at Essex; Member of the validation panel in tourism at South East Essex College; Specialist BA in ‘Society, Territory and Environment’ Trento 2004-2005

University of Surrey:

  • Director of postgraduate admissions 1994

Professional Training (selection)

  • Training seminar organised by the European Commission: ‘The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union’ – 17-18 December 2014, Conference Centre Borschette, Brussels;

  • Leadership training course for Heads of Departments – 8 modules (residential and non-residential modules over one year) 2009-2010; Appraisal course – University of Leicester, June 2010; Financial software course for management of university budgets (Lucre) – University of Leicester 2010; Residential teacher training course (one week) – University of Surrey 1993.