
Carlo Ruzza

Selected Publications

To download some of my publications please go to:


  • Falge, C., C. Ruzza, Schmidtke, O. Migrants in the Health Care System: Political and Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity in the Canadian, German and Italian Health Care System. London, Ashgate. (2012).

  • Re-Inventing the Italian Right: Populism, Post-Fascism and Territorial Identity, Routledge, 2009 (new paperback edition 2011).

  • Europa e Territorio: Governance Rurale, Partecipazione, Sostenibilità. (With E. Bozzini, et al.) Catanzaro, Rubbettino, 2009

  • Tracce di turismo sostenibile. (With , F. Beato, E. Nocifora, et al.) Rende, Celuc - Università della Calabria 2007.

  • Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Institutions, Manchester University Press 2004. New paperback edition 2007

Edited Books and Special Issues

  • Ruzza, C., Berti C., Cossarini, P., Eds. (2021). The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society: Discourses, Practices, and Policies, Palgrave Macmillan.

    • Antoniolli, L., Bonatti, L., Ruzza, C., Eds. (2019). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer

    • Trenz, H.-J., C. Ruzza, V. Guiraudon, Eds. Europe’s prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union. London, Palgrave, 2015

    • Giarelli, G, E. Annandale, C. Ruzza Special Issue on The Role of Civil Society in Healthcare Systems Reforms, Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 23, Dec 2014 pp. 1-293

    • Fella, S. and C. Ruzza, Eds. (2012). Anti-Racist Movements in the EU: Between Europeanisation and National Trajectories. London, Palgrave.

    • Conflict Citizenship and Civil Society, (with P. Baert, S. Koniordos, G. Procacci& C. Ruzza) London, Routledge 2010.

    • Governance and Civil Society: normative dimensions, (With V.Della Sala,), Manchester University Press, 2007

    • Governance and Civil Society: policy perspectives, (With V. Della Sala,),Manchester University Press, 2007

Single-Authored Articles in Journals

    • Ruzza, C. (2021). "The Institutionalisation of Populist Political Discourse and Conservative Uncivil Society in European Union." Nordicom Review 42(1).

    • Ruzza, C. (2020). Interculturalismo, società civile e la sfida populista all'Unione Europea. pp.31-41. In SOCIOLOGIA - ISSN:0038-0156 vol. 2020 (53.1)

      • Ruzza, C. (2020). "The populist radical right and its discursive impact on EU-Level civil society." European Politics and Society.

    • Ruzza, C. (2016) “I Partiti Populisti nell’ Europa del Sud e la Crisi Finanziaria del 2008 e degli anni successivi: successo, insuccesso e innovazione in prospettiva comparata” Sociologia, n.1,

    • Ruzza, C. (2014). "Il rapporto tra stato e società in Europa e la sua evoluzione negli anni della crisi globale " Sociologia 3.

    • Ruzza,C. "The Ideology of New Public Management, Associational Representation and the Global Financial Crisis" in Partecipazione e Conflitto, v. 2014, n. 7.3 (2014), p. 490-508

  • Ruzza, C. Civil Society Actors and EU Fundamental Rights Policy: Opportunities and Challenges Human Rights Review, 2013

  • Sociedad civil buena, sociedad civil mala, Puente Europa, 2 (December) 2012.

  • Social Movements and the European Intermediation of Public Interest Groups, Journal of European Integration, 33 (4) 2011, p. 453-469.

    • "The international protection regime for minorities, the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and the EU: new challenges for non-state actors." International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 18(2) 2011.

    • "Populism, anti-politik, gemenskap och modernitet inom den italienska högern", Fronesis no. 34, 2010.

    • "Italy: the Political Right and concepts of civil society." Journal of Political Ideologies 15(3): 2010, p. 259-271

    • "Commentary: Explaining Policy Outcomes and Third Sector Europeanization". Journal of Civil Society, 2010. 6(1): p. 81 - 85.

    • "Populism and euroscepticism: Towards uncivil society?" Policy and Society 28(1): 2009, 87-98.

    • "The Italian Antiracist Movement Between Advocacy, Service Delivery, and Political Protest." International Journal of Sociology 38(2), 2008

    • "Traiettoria, strutture ed ideologie dei movimenti pacifisti occidentali." Futuribili 1, 2 – Special Issue 'Pace, terrorismo e ruolo dell'Europa nella risoluzione dei conflitti' (Peace, terrorism and the role of Europe in conflict resolution) edited by Giandomenico Picco, 2006

    • “Società Civile Organizzata e Governance Europea” in Sociologia Urbano Rurale, vol. 79. 2006

    • "The Northern League: Winning Arguments, Losing Influence." Current Politics and Economics of Europe 13(4), 2004

    • “Environmental Sustainability and Policy Networks in Tourist Locations” Foedus, vol. 10, 2004

    • “The Europeanization of Environmental and Tourism Policy and Southern Europe” Innovation, 13, n.3, 2000.

    • “Anti-Racism in EU Institutions” Journal of European Integration 22, 2000.

    • "Institutionalization in the Italian Peace Movement” Theory and Society vol. 26, 1997 1-41.

    • "Strategies in the Italian Peace Movement" in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 12, 1990, 111-138.

Joint-authored articles in journals

    • Ruzza, C. and R. Sanchez Salgado (2020). "The populist turn in EU politics and the intermediary role of civil society organisations." European Politics and Society: 1-15.

    • Ruzza, C., Pejovic, M., (2019) ‘Populism at Work: the language of the Brexiteers’ Special Issue ‘Brexit’ in Media & Political Discourses: From National Populist Imaginary to Cross-National Social & Political Crisis; Critical Discourse Studies.

    • Ruzza, C.; Loner, E., "Aspetti demografici ed ideologici del populismo in Europa" in SOCIETÀMUTAMENTOPOLITICA, v. 2017, n. 8.15 (2017), p. 305-326G Giarelli, E

    • Annandale, C Ruzza, "Introduction: The role of civil society in healthcare systems reforms" in Social Science & Medicine, v. 2014 , n. 123 (2014), p. 160-167

    • Anti-politics, populism, and the fall of the centre-right coalition in Italy: The end of the Berlusconi model or a new beginning?, (with S. Fella) Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2013 (March).

  • "Populism and the Italian Right." (with S. Fella) Acta Politica 5, 2011.

    • "Organised civil society and European governance: routes of contestation." (With E. Bozzini). European Political Science 157, 2008

    • "Breaking Old Taboos - the new Italian party system and the re-invention of the right." Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (With S. Fella ) (Special issue 'Italy: the continuing transition' edited by Stefano Fella and Bruno Mascitelli). Volume 8, Number 2, August 2006 p. 179-200

    • "From System Opposition to a State Party: the Leagues and the Crisis of Italian Politics" (With S. Pileri, Schmidtke, O ) Telos Spring 1994

    • "Roots of Success in the Lega Lombarda: Mobilization Dynamics and the Media", (With O. Schmidtke) West European Politics. 12. April 1993, 1-23.

    • "Regionalistischer Protest als 'Life Politics': Eine Studie über die Formierung einer sozialen Bevegung: die Lega Lombarda" (With O. Schmidtke,) Soziale Welt, 1993

    • "La Formacion de la Liga Lombarda" (With O. Schmidtke), Debats, December 1992,4-11.

    • "The Making of the Leagues" (With O. Schmidtke) Telos. Winter 1992, 57-70.

Single-authored book chapters

  • Ruzza, C. (2021), 'Civil Society' in M. Colombo and G. Gilardoni, Intercultural Issues and Concepts: A Multi-Disciplinary Glossary, Brussels: Peter Lang pp. 59-70.

  • Ruzza, C. (2021), 'Multilevel governance and the role of civil society organizations in the European Union system' in G. Donnelly-Cox, M. Meyer, F. Wijkström and R. List, Research Handbook on Nonprofit Governance, Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar pp. 352-370.

  • Ruzza, C. (2021), 'The European Commission and Reactions to the ‘Populist Turn’ in Anti-discrimination Policy' in C. Ruzza, C. Berti and P. Cossarini, The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society: Discourses, Practices, and Policies: Palgrave Macmillan pp. 145-169.

  • Ruzza, C. (2021), 'Civil Society' in M. Colombo and G. Gilardoni, Intercultural Issues and Concepts, Bern: Peter Lang.

  • Ruzza, C. (2020). Civil Society between Populism and Anti-Populism. Nostalgia and Hope: Intersections between Politics of Culture, Welfare, and Mi-gration in Europe. A. Hellström, O. C. Norocel and M. B. Jørgensen. New York, Springer: 221-235.

  • Ruzza (2019) Populism, EU institutions and Civil Society. in: Antoniolli, L., et al., Eds. (2018). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer.

  • Ruzza, C., (2018) Preface ‘Towards a European Civil Society? - Patterns of Europeanization through Swedish lenses’ Anna Meeuwisse & Roberto Scaramuzzino

  • Ruzza, C., (2018) The Radical Right in Southern Europe, in J. Rydgren (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, Oxford University Press, Oxford

  • Ruzza, C. 2018. Populism and Political Movements. In: HOLTZ-BACHA, C., MAZZOLENI, O. & HEINISCH, R. (eds.) Handbook on Political Populism. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag. Ruzza C (2017 forthcoming) Populism, Migration and Xenophobia in Europe. In: de la Torre C (ed) Handbook on Global Populism. Routledge, London

  • Ruzza, C. (2017) Social Movements and Italian Civil Society in Times of Crisis, in Alexander Grasse, Markus Grimm and Jan Labitzke (eds.), Italien zwischen Krise und Aufbruch, Springer

  • Ruzza C (2017) Populism and Political Movements. In: Holtz-Bacha C, Mazzoleni O, Heinisch R (eds) Handbook on Political Populism. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden.

  • Ruzza, C. (2017) Prefazione ‘Populismo’ Manuel Anselmi, Milano, Mondadori.

  • Ruzza, C. (2015). Changes In The Field of EU Civil Society Organizations: Institutionalization, Differentiation And Challengers; Carlo Ruzza. EU Civil Society: Patterns of Cooperation, Competition and Conflict. H. Johansson and S. Kalm. London, Palgrave: 23-42.

  • Ruzza, C. (2015). The impact of the global crisis on organized civil society at EU level and in Member States. Europe’s prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union. H.-J. Trenz, C. Ruzza and V. Guiraudon. London, Palgrave.

  • Ruzza, C. (2012). Anti-Racist Movements in Europe. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans and D. McAdam. London, Blackwell

  • Ruzza, C. (2011). Civil Society and New Forms of Political Participation in Europe. Social Rights, Active Citizenship, and Governance in the European Union. T. P. Boje and M. Potucek. Baden, Nomos: 175-194.

  • Ruzza, C. (2010). Identifying uncivil society in Europe: towards a ‘new politics of the enemy’? The new politics of European civil society. H. J. Trenz. London, Routledge.

  • Ruzza, C. (2010). Organized Civil Society and Political Representation in the EU Arena. Civil Society and International Governance: The role of non-state actors in the EU, Africa, Asia and Middle East. D. Armstrong, V. Bello, J. Gilson and D. Spini. London, Routledge.

    • Ruzza, C., (2008) Language and Territorial Identity in Minority Nationalism: the case of the Northern League. in RAffaella Baccolini and Patrick Leech (eds.), Constructing Identites. TRanslations, Cultures, Nations, Bononia University Press, Bologna.

    • Ruzza, C. & Della Sala, V. 2007. Conclusion: Deliberative Democracy, Input-Output Legitimacy and the Meaning of Civil Society. In: Ruzza, C. & Della Sala, V. (eds.) Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Normative Perspectives. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

    • Della Sala, V. & Ruzza, C. 2007. Conclusion: Linking Governance and Civil Society. Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Exploring Policy Issues. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

    • Ruzza, C. 2007. Advocacy coalitions and the participation of organised civil society in the European Union. In: Della Sala, V. & Ruzza, C. (eds.) Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Exploring Policy Issues. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

    • Della Sala, V. & Ruzza, C. 2007. Introduction: Governance, Public Policy and the Europeanization of Civil Society. Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Exploring Policy Issues. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

    • Social Movements. Key Authors: C. Tilly. J. Scott. London, Routledge. 2007

    • Governance multilivello e sviluppo sostenibile nelle politiche turistiche del mediterraneo. Mediterraneo: Città, Culture, Ambiente, Governance, Migranti e lo Stretto di Messina. A. Angelini. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006.

    • Concepts. “Frame Analysis. J. Scott. London, Routledge. 2006

    • The Northern League in M., De Winter., Gomez-Reino, , L , Lynch, P (ed) in Autonomist Parties in Europe: Identity Politics and the Revival of the Territorial Cleavage ICPS Publications, (21) Barcelona, 2006

    • Human Rights, Anti racism and EU Advocacy Coalitions in L. Morris (ed.). Sociology and Rights, Routledge, 2006

    • European Institutions and the Policy Discourse of Organised Civil Society in ‘Civil Society and Legitimate European Governance’. S. Smismans (ed). London, Elgar. 2006

    • Partecipazione e Politiche Ambientali nella UE in Gelli, F., (ed.) La Democrazia Locale tra Rappresentanza e Partecipazione, F. Angeli, Milano 2005

    • Frame Analysis” in Brown, K. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Oxford, Elsevier. 2005

    • Lega Nord i italiensk politik: Vunna argument men forlorat inflytande in Från Le Pen till Pim Fortuyn. J. Rydgren and A. Widfeldt. Malmö, Liber, 2004

    • Peace Movements. Democracy and Protest. G. Taylor and M. Todd. Sheffield, Merlin Press. 2004

    • Il lobbying europeo e le istituzioni comunitarie in Fabbrini S., (ed.) Le istituzioni e gli attori della UE, Bari, Laterza 2003

    • Frame Bridging", and the New Politics of Persuasion, Advocacy and Influence, in. A Warleigh and J Fairbrass Influence and Interests in the European Union: the New Politics of Persuasion and Advocacy. (London: Europa Publications) 2002

    • Tourism, Environment and EU Institutions in Eder, K. and M. Kousis (eds.), Environmental Politics in Southern Europe, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000).

    • Language and Nationalism in Italy, in S. Barbour (ed.) Language and Nationalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000

    • Inter-Organizational Negotiation in Political Decision-Making: EC Bureaucrats and the Environment." in Nigel South and Colin Samson (eds.) Policy Processes and Outcomes Macmillan 1996

    • Collective Identity Formation and Community Integration in the Lega Lombarda, in G. M. Breakwell and E. Lyons (eds.) Changing European Identities: Social Psychological Analyses of Social Change International Series in Social Psychology, Butterworth Heinmann 1996

    • Organizational and Social Implications of Office Automation, in The Worker in Transition: Technological Change Consortium of Social Science Associations, Texas A&M University, 1989

Joint-authored book chapters

    • Antoniolli, L., L. Bonatti, C. Ruzza (2019) Introduction. in: Antoniolli, L., et al., Eds. (2019). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer.

    • Antoniolli, L., L. Bonatti, C. Ruzza (2018) Conclusions. in: Antoniolli, L., et al., Eds. (2019). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer.

    • Guiraudon, V., H-J Trenz, C. Ruzza. (2015). Introduction: The European crisis: Contributions from political sociology Europe’s prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union. H.-J. Trenz, C. Ruzza and V. Guiraudon. London, Palgrave.

  • Mazzoleni, O., & Ruzza, C. (2019). Combining Regionalism and Nationalism: the Lega in Italy and the Lega dei Ticinesi in Switzerland. Comparative European Politics

    • Ruzza, C. and Balbo, L. (2013). Italian Populism and the trajectory of two leaders: Silvio Berlusconi and Umberto Bossi. Right Wing Populism in Europe: Politics and Discourse. R. Wodak and M. Khosravinik. London, Bloomsbury Publishers.

    • The National Alliance and Northern League in Italy: Rivals in power, enemies in defeat. Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces: Extrême droite et pouvoir en Europe/ The extreme right parties and power in Europe. (With S. Fella), P. Poirier and P. Delwit. Bruxelles, Université de Bruxelles: 2007

    • La società civile e il suo ruolo nei processi decisionali in Europa. (With E. Bozzini) R. Scartezzini and P. Foradori. La Società Civile Europea, Rubettino. 2006

    • Anti-Americanism and the European Peace Movement: the Iraq war. (With E. Bozzini) The United States Contested: American Unilateralism and European Discontent. S. Fabbrini. London, Routledge. 2006

    • Changing Conceptions of the Enemy in the Lega Lombarda (With O. Schmidtke), in M. Foolbrok and D. Cesarani (eds) Citizenship, Nationality and Migration Routledge 1996

    • Towards a Modern Right (With O. Schmidtke), in Gundle, S., Parker S. (eds)The New Italian Republic, Routledge 1996

Conference Proceedings

  • III Convegno Nazionale “Turismo Sostenibile: Ieri, Oggi, Domani” (with Ercole, E., Nocifora, E., Palumbo, M., Pieroni, M., Romita, T., Savelli, A.) University of Calabria, Cosenza, Sept. 2008

Highs and Lows of European Integration