Carlo Ruzza
Selected Publications
To download some of my publications please go to:
Falge, C., C. Ruzza, Schmidtke, O. Migrants in the Health Care System: Political and Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity in the Canadian, German and Italian Health Care System. London, Ashgate. (2012).
Re-Inventing the Italian Right: Populism, Post-Fascism and Territorial Identity, Routledge, 2009 (new paperback edition 2011).
Europa e Territorio: Governance Rurale, Partecipazione, Sostenibilità. (With E. Bozzini, et al.) Catanzaro, Rubbettino, 2009
Tracce di turismo sostenibile. (With , F. Beato, E. Nocifora, et al.) Rende, Celuc - Università della Calabria 2007.
Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Institutions, Manchester University Press 2004. New paperback edition 2007
Edited Books and Special Issues
Ruzza, C., Berti C., Cossarini, P., Eds. (2021). The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society: Discourses, Practices, and Policies, Palgrave Macmillan.
Antoniolli, L., Bonatti, L., Ruzza, C., Eds. (2019). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer
Trenz, H.-J., C. Ruzza, V. Guiraudon, Eds. Europe’s prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union. London, Palgrave, 2015
Giarelli, G, E. Annandale, C. Ruzza Special Issue on The Role of Civil Society in Healthcare Systems Reforms, Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 23, Dec 2014 pp. 1-293
Fella, S. and C. Ruzza, Eds. (2012). Anti-Racist Movements in the EU: Between Europeanisation and National Trajectories. London, Palgrave.
Conflict Citizenship and Civil Society, (with P. Baert, S. Koniordos, G. Procacci& C. Ruzza) London, Routledge 2010.
Governance and Civil Society: normative dimensions, (With V.Della Sala,), Manchester University Press, 2007
Governance and Civil Society: policy perspectives, (With V. Della Sala,),Manchester University Press, 2007
Single-Authored Articles in Journals
Ruzza, C. (2021). "The Institutionalisation of Populist Political Discourse and Conservative Uncivil Society in European Union." Nordicom Review 42(1).
Ruzza, C. (2020). "The populist radical right and its discursive impact on EU-Level civil society." European Politics and Society.
Ruzza, C. (2016) “I Partiti Populisti nell’ Europa del Sud e la Crisi Finanziaria del 2008 e degli anni successivi: successo, insuccesso e innovazione in prospettiva comparata” Sociologia, n.1,
Ruzza, C. (2014). "Il rapporto tra stato e società in Europa e la sua evoluzione negli anni della crisi globale " Sociologia 3.
Ruzza,C. "The Ideology of New Public Management, Associational Representation and the Global Financial Crisis" in Partecipazione e Conflitto, v. 2014, n. 7.3 (2014), p. 490-508
Ruzza, C. Civil Society Actors and EU Fundamental Rights Policy: Opportunities and Challenges Human Rights Review, 2013
Sociedad civil buena, sociedad civil mala, Puente Europa, 2 (December) 2012.
Social Movements and the European Intermediation of Public Interest Groups, Journal of European Integration, 33 (4) 2011, p. 453-469.
"The international protection regime for minorities, the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and the EU: new challenges for non-state actors." International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 18(2) 2011.
"Populism, anti-politik, gemenskap och modernitet inom den italienska högern", Fronesis no. 34, 2010.
"Italy: the Political Right and concepts of civil society." Journal of Political Ideologies 15(3): 2010, p. 259-271
"Commentary: Explaining Policy Outcomes and Third Sector Europeanization". Journal of Civil Society, 2010. 6(1): p. 81 - 85.
"Populism and euroscepticism: Towards uncivil society?" Policy and Society 28(1): 2009, 87-98.
"The Italian Antiracist Movement Between Advocacy, Service Delivery, and Political Protest." International Journal of Sociology 38(2), 2008
"Traiettoria, strutture ed ideologie dei movimenti pacifisti occidentali." Futuribili 1, 2 – Special Issue 'Pace, terrorismo e ruolo dell'Europa nella risoluzione dei conflitti' (Peace, terrorism and the role of Europe in conflict resolution) edited by Giandomenico Picco, 2006
“Società Civile Organizzata e Governance Europea” in Sociologia Urbano Rurale, vol. 79. 2006
"The Northern League: Winning Arguments, Losing Influence." Current Politics and Economics of Europe 13(4), 2004
“Environmental Sustainability and Policy Networks in Tourist Locations” Foedus, vol. 10, 2004
“The Europeanization of Environmental and Tourism Policy and Southern Europe” Innovation, 13, n.3, 2000.
“Anti-Racism in EU Institutions” Journal of European Integration 22, 2000.
"Institutionalization in the Italian Peace Movement” Theory and Society vol. 26, 1997 1-41.
"Strategies in the Italian Peace Movement" in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 12, 1990, 111-138.
Joint-authored articles in journals
Ruzza, C. and R. Sanchez Salgado (2020). "The populist turn in EU politics and the intermediary role of civil society organisations." European Politics and Society: 1-15.
Ruzza, C., Pejovic, M., (2019) ‘Populism at Work: the language of the Brexiteers’ Special Issue ‘Brexit’ in Media & Political Discourses: From National Populist Imaginary to Cross-National Social & Political Crisis; Critical Discourse Studies.
Ruzza, C.; Loner, E., "Aspetti demografici ed ideologici del populismo in Europa" in SOCIETÀMUTAMENTOPOLITICA, v. 2017, n. 8.15 (2017), p. 305-326G Giarelli, E
Annandale, C Ruzza, "Introduction: The role of civil society in healthcare systems reforms" in Social Science & Medicine, v. 2014 , n. 123 (2014), p. 160-167
Anti-politics, populism, and the fall of the centre-right coalition in Italy: The end of the Berlusconi model or a new beginning?, (with S. Fella) Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2013 (March).
"Populism and the Italian Right." (with S. Fella) Acta Politica 5, 2011.
"Organised civil society and European governance: routes of contestation." (With E. Bozzini). European Political Science 157, 2008
"Breaking Old Taboos - the new Italian party system and the re-invention of the right." Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (With S. Fella ) (Special issue 'Italy: the continuing transition' edited by Stefano Fella and Bruno Mascitelli). Volume 8, Number 2, August 2006 p. 179-200
"From System Opposition to a State Party: the Leagues and the Crisis of Italian Politics" (With S. Pileri, Schmidtke, O ) Telos Spring 1994
"Roots of Success in the Lega Lombarda: Mobilization Dynamics and the Media", (With O. Schmidtke) West European Politics. 12. April 1993, 1-23.
"Regionalistischer Protest als 'Life Politics': Eine Studie über die Formierung einer sozialen Bevegung: die Lega Lombarda" (With O. Schmidtke,) Soziale Welt, 1993
"La Formacion de la Liga Lombarda" (With O. Schmidtke), Debats, December 1992,4-11.
"The Making of the Leagues" (With O. Schmidtke) Telos. Winter 1992, 57-70.
Single-authored book chapters
Ruzza, C. (2021), 'Civil Society' in M. Colombo and G. Gilardoni, Intercultural Issues and Concepts: A Multi-Disciplinary Glossary, Brussels: Peter Lang pp. 59-70.
Ruzza, C. (2021), 'Multilevel governance and the role of civil society organizations in the European Union system' in G. Donnelly-Cox, M. Meyer, F. Wijkström and R. List, Research Handbook on Nonprofit Governance, Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar pp. 352-370.
Ruzza, C. (2021), 'The European Commission and Reactions to the ‘Populist Turn’ in Anti-discrimination Policy' in C. Ruzza, C. Berti and P. Cossarini, The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society: Discourses, Practices, and Policies: Palgrave Macmillan pp. 145-169.
Ruzza, C. (2021), 'Civil Society' in M. Colombo and G. Gilardoni, Intercultural Issues and Concepts, Bern: Peter Lang.
Ruzza, C. (2020). Civil Society between Populism and Anti-Populism. Nostalgia and Hope: Intersections between Politics of Culture, Welfare, and Mi-gration in Europe. A. Hellström, O. C. Norocel and M. B. Jørgensen. New York, Springer: 221-235.
Ruzza (2019) Populism, EU institutions and Civil Society. in: Antoniolli, L., et al., Eds. (2018). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer.
Ruzza, C., (2018) Preface ‘Towards a European Civil Society? - Patterns of Europeanization through Swedish lenses’ Anna Meeuwisse & Roberto Scaramuzzino
Ruzza, C., (2018) The Radical Right in Southern Europe, in J. Rydgren (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Ruzza, C. 2018. Populism and Political Movements. In: HOLTZ-BACHA, C., MAZZOLENI, O. & HEINISCH, R. (eds.) Handbook on Political Populism. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag. Ruzza C (2017 forthcoming) Populism, Migration and Xenophobia in Europe. In: de la Torre C (ed) Handbook on Global Populism. Routledge, London
Ruzza, C. (2017) Social Movements and Italian Civil Society in Times of Crisis, in Alexander Grasse, Markus Grimm and Jan Labitzke (eds.), Italien zwischen Krise und Aufbruch, Springer
Ruzza C (2017) Populism and Political Movements. In: Holtz-Bacha C, Mazzoleni O, Heinisch R (eds) Handbook on Political Populism. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden.
Ruzza, C. (2017) Prefazione ‘Populismo’ Manuel Anselmi, Milano, Mondadori.
Ruzza, C. (2015). Changes In The Field of EU Civil Society Organizations: Institutionalization, Differentiation And Challengers; Carlo Ruzza. EU Civil Society: Patterns of Cooperation, Competition and Conflict. H. Johansson and S. Kalm. London, Palgrave: 23-42.
Ruzza, C. (2015). The impact of the global crisis on organized civil society at EU level and in Member States. Europe’s prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union. H.-J. Trenz, C. Ruzza and V. Guiraudon. London, Palgrave.
Ruzza, C. (2012). Anti-Racist Movements in Europe. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans and D. McAdam. London, Blackwell
Ruzza, C. (2011). Civil Society and New Forms of Political Participation in Europe. Social Rights, Active Citizenship, and Governance in the European Union. T. P. Boje and M. Potucek. Baden, Nomos: 175-194.
Ruzza, C. (2010). Identifying uncivil society in Europe: towards a ‘new politics of the enemy’? The new politics of European civil society. H. J. Trenz. London, Routledge.
Ruzza, C. (2010). Organized Civil Society and Political Representation in the EU Arena. Civil Society and International Governance: The role of non-state actors in the EU, Africa, Asia and Middle East. D. Armstrong, V. Bello, J. Gilson and D. Spini. London, Routledge.
Ruzza, C., (2008) Language and Territorial Identity in Minority Nationalism: the case of the Northern League. in RAffaella Baccolini and Patrick Leech (eds.), Constructing Identites. TRanslations, Cultures, Nations, Bononia University Press, Bologna.
Ruzza, C. & Della Sala, V. 2007. Conclusion: Deliberative Democracy, Input-Output Legitimacy and the Meaning of Civil Society. In: Ruzza, C. & Della Sala, V. (eds.) Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Normative Perspectives. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Della Sala, V. & Ruzza, C. 2007. Conclusion: Linking Governance and Civil Society. Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Exploring Policy Issues. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Ruzza, C. 2007. Advocacy coalitions and the participation of organised civil society in the European Union. In: Della Sala, V. & Ruzza, C. (eds.) Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Exploring Policy Issues. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Della Sala, V. & Ruzza, C. 2007. Introduction: Governance, Public Policy and the Europeanization of Civil Society. Governance and Civil Society in the European Union: Exploring Policy Issues. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Social Movements. Key Authors: C. Tilly. J. Scott. London, Routledge. 2007
Governance multilivello e sviluppo sostenibile nelle politiche turistiche del mediterraneo. Mediterraneo: Città, Culture, Ambiente, Governance, Migranti e lo Stretto di Messina. A. Angelini. Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006.
Concepts. “Frame Analysis. J. Scott. London, Routledge. 2006
The Northern League in M., De Winter., Gomez-Reino, , L , Lynch, P (ed) in Autonomist Parties in Europe: Identity Politics and the Revival of the Territorial Cleavage ICPS Publications, (21) Barcelona, 2006
Human Rights, Anti racism and EU Advocacy Coalitions in L. Morris (ed.). Sociology and Rights, Routledge, 2006
European Institutions and the Policy Discourse of Organised Civil Society in ‘Civil Society and Legitimate European Governance’. S. Smismans (ed). London, Elgar. 2006
Partecipazione e Politiche Ambientali nella UE in Gelli, F., (ed.) La Democrazia Locale tra Rappresentanza e Partecipazione, F. Angeli, Milano 2005
Frame Analysis” in Brown, K. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Oxford, Elsevier. 2005
Lega Nord i italiensk politik: Vunna argument men forlorat inflytande in Från Le Pen till Pim Fortuyn. J. Rydgren and A. Widfeldt. Malmö, Liber, 2004
Peace Movements. Democracy and Protest. G. Taylor and M. Todd. Sheffield, Merlin Press. 2004
Il lobbying europeo e le istituzioni comunitarie in Fabbrini S., (ed.) Le istituzioni e gli attori della UE, Bari, Laterza 2003
Frame Bridging", and the New Politics of Persuasion, Advocacy and Influence, in. A Warleigh and J Fairbrass Influence and Interests in the European Union: the New Politics of Persuasion and Advocacy. (London: Europa Publications) 2002
Tourism, Environment and EU Institutions in Eder, K. and M. Kousis (eds.), Environmental Politics in Southern Europe, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000).
Language and Nationalism in Italy, in S. Barbour (ed.) Language and Nationalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000
Inter-Organizational Negotiation in Political Decision-Making: EC Bureaucrats and the Environment." in Nigel South and Colin Samson (eds.) Policy Processes and Outcomes Macmillan 1996
Collective Identity Formation and Community Integration in the Lega Lombarda, in G. M. Breakwell and E. Lyons (eds.) Changing European Identities: Social Psychological Analyses of Social Change International Series in Social Psychology, Butterworth Heinmann 1996
Organizational and Social Implications of Office Automation, in The Worker in Transition: Technological Change Consortium of Social Science Associations, Texas A&M University, 1989
Joint-authored book chapters
Antoniolli, L., L. Bonatti, C. Ruzza (2019) Introduction. in: Antoniolli, L., et al., Eds. (2019). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer.
Antoniolli, L., L. Bonatti, C. Ruzza (2018) Conclusions. in: Antoniolli, L., et al., Eds. (2019). Highs and Lows of European Integration - Sixty Years after the Treaty of Rome New York, Springer.
Guiraudon, V., H-J Trenz, C. Ruzza. (2015). Introduction: The European crisis: Contributions from political sociology Europe’s prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union. H.-J. Trenz, C. Ruzza and V. Guiraudon. London, Palgrave.
Mazzoleni, O., & Ruzza, C. (2019). Combining Regionalism and Nationalism: the Lega in Italy and the Lega dei Ticinesi in Switzerland. Comparative European Politics
Ruzza, C. and Balbo, L. (2013). Italian Populism and the trajectory of two leaders: Silvio Berlusconi and Umberto Bossi. Right Wing Populism in Europe: Politics and Discourse. R. Wodak and M. Khosravinik. London, Bloomsbury Publishers.
The National Alliance and Northern League in Italy: Rivals in power, enemies in defeat. Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces: Extrême droite et pouvoir en Europe/ The extreme right parties and power in Europe. (With S. Fella), P. Poirier and P. Delwit. Bruxelles, Université de Bruxelles: 2007
La società civile e il suo ruolo nei processi decisionali in Europa. (With E. Bozzini) R. Scartezzini and P. Foradori. La Società Civile Europea, Rubettino. 2006
Anti-Americanism and the European Peace Movement: the Iraq war. (With E. Bozzini) The United States Contested: American Unilateralism and European Discontent. S. Fabbrini. London, Routledge. 2006
Changing Conceptions of the Enemy in the Lega Lombarda (With O. Schmidtke), in M. Foolbrok and D. Cesarani (eds) Citizenship, Nationality and Migration Routledge 1996
Towards a Modern Right (With O. Schmidtke), in Gundle, S., Parker S. (eds)The New Italian Republic, Routledge 1996
Conference Proceedings
III Convegno Nazionale Turismo Sostenibile: Ieri, Oggi, Domani (with Ercole, E., Nocifora, E., Palumbo, M., Pieroni, M., Romita, T., Savelli, A.) University of Calabria, Cosenza, Sept. 2008